Sep 23, 2021
Posted by Dr. Nidhi Arora
Google has released Chrome 94 for desktop and Android and the browser comes a new controversial feature: the Idle Detection API. As the name suggests, the “Idle Detection” API can detect user inactivity. The term Idle refers to the user who has not interacted with the device or its associated hardware, like the keyboard or the mouse, or through system events...
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Jun 29, 2021
Posted by Dr. Nidhi Arora
India is one of the countries whose vaccination drive is setting records day by day. It is known to be the world’s biggest and most successful free vaccination drive. The thought process behind the vaccination drive was to get the country immune to the virus. When the vaccination process initially started, it was opened for doctors, nurses and front-line workers. Then it was open for...
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Jun 12, 2021
Posted by Dr. Poonam Arora
Research hypothesis is a specific, clear and testable proposition or Hypothesis is basically possible assumption on the study result that can be obtained only on the completion of the study. A research hypothesis is a proposed possible outcome of a research study which is written in the form of a testable predictive statement.This assumed stated outcome of the scientific...
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May 22, 2021
Posted by Dr. Nidhi Arora
The term digital twin may sound contemporary, but it’s a way to visualize structures in ways which was never possible earlier. Digital twin technology is one of the fastest growing concepts of Industry 4.0. Introduction In the simplest terms, a digital twin is a virtual replica of a real-world object that is run in a simulation environment to test its performance and efficacy. Digital twin platforms bring...
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Feb 6, 2021
Posted by Divyesh Mangroliya
“Never use print() to debug again.” In programming Journey, we have heard errors or bugs. All programming languages like C, Java, .Net etc. have their ways to handle these errors and bugs. I remember, when I was learning programming and used to write my programs in C and C++, how difficult it was to debug the errors. This happens with everyone. It sometimes takes very long time...
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