Are Humans Still Better Than Artificial Intelligent Machines?
Artificial Intelligence have been around for more than few decades to model the sensory systems of humans. They not only resemble the capabilities of humans, but many have human-like structure also. The Questions Artificial intelligent systems can perform several tasks like speech recognition, natural language processing and image classification and have shown robustness... read moreThe Voice Synthesis Technology
Voice synthesis makes it possible to develop speech enabled computer-human interaction systems like putting annotations to files through voice commands or talking computer systems. Introduction Voice syncing is an AI technique that allows the software to learn and understand the nicety of someone’s voice. This is done by training on the target person’s voice data... read moreConversational AI: The Technology of Today
Conversational AI is the artificial brainpower to provide capabilities to machines to understand, process and respond to human language. What is Conversational AI? Conversational AI is a collection of technologies that makes it possible to simulate human conversations to communicate, engage, assist and entertain human in a natural way. Software created with... read moreEZwit – Risk Analysis App for Innovation Projects
EZwit, the risk analysis app, offers its users to perform risk analysis in innovation projects. EZwit is the product of EZInnovTools, a European company known to be a tool hub for the global innovation market. Innovation brings inherent risk. Entrepreneurs and business managers identify innovation as one of their key risks. If they do not integrate risk management activities in... read moreIIT Kharagpur’s Machine Learning System to Read Legal Documents
Researchers from IIT Kharagpur have recently developed an Artificial Intelligence method to read legal judgments. Machine Learning algorithms play two-fold role by telling which laws are getting violated and by minimizing the legal costs in the judgment process. The Team Artificial Intelligence is continually empowering lot of areas by offering the most effective solutions at micro level.... read more