Are Humans Still Better Than Artificial Intelligent Machines?
Artificial Intelligence have been around for more than few decades to model the sensory systems of humans. They not only resemble the capabilities of humans, but many have human-like structure also.
The Questions
Artificial intelligent systems can perform several tasks like speech recognition, natural language processing and image classification and have shown robustness to variations in the auditory or visual inputs. The question arises, as far as the in-variances learnt by these systems is concerned, it is anywhere close to the in-variances learnt by human perceptual systems over the years of maturity from childhood to adulthood? Is it even anywhere similar to that?
Some Arguments
Human Intelligence comprises endless characteristics like the ability to think, learn from experiences, adapt to new situations, comprehend complex ideas, solve numerical problems, use existing knowledge to build new one, react to different situations at different times and interact with other human beings. What makes humans intelligent is remarkable and there are strong psychological and physiological factors that support the natural intelligence.
AI systems have a much higher speed of execution, have more storage and processing power with longer operational capacity and exactness. This leads to a new era where artificial intelligent systems were found to start taking place of humans in lot of industries manufacturing, service delivery, customer support etc. especially which demands more energy and patience. Due to this, human workers are forced to move towards lower-paid jobs.
If looked more closely, humans can generate ideas and can innovate looking at the problems to find appropriate solution, whereas AI systems can only take these ideas, examine the data, represent the data and can predict future events based on previous trends.
There have been lot of researches done on such topics where lot of people have tried to do comparative analyses on the basis of variety of parameters. According to the research done by a group of researchers from MIT in 2019 and their findings presented at Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, there are lot of differences in perceptions. If you have not read my blog on their work, you can read it here. With the advancement of artificial intelligence in the initial years, there were lot of predictions and arguments over human and machine intelligence. It was believed that artificial intelligent systems will completely replace human beings at workplace.
There is no question on whether AI will replace human beings assuming that AI systems have drawn their qualities from humans. Is it possible that by any means any intelligence can go beyond human intelligence? Another important concern is on humans and machines competition with each other. In reality, there is no competition. If on one hand, humans are intuitive, emotional, decisive and environment sensitive, on the other hand AI systems are fast, accurate and rational.
Although, it is stated that Artificial intelligence draws it basis from human intelligence and both overlap at times, but it is still an open question. Who is better will always remain a matter of debate, but in my view natural intelligence is real and artificial will always remain augmented, no matter how far it goes.
Yes, I completely agree!!
Humans will always be better than machines.