Oct 15, 2021
Posted by Dr. Nidhi Arora
River is the online machine learning package in Python. It can work for variety of machine learning problems whether it is regression or classification. River consists of Creme and Scikit-Multiflow and is intended to work on the data that is continuously generated. This blog demonstrates a step by step procedure to use River on an example data set starting from its...
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Sep 30, 2021
Posted by Dr. Nidhi Arora
River is a Python library for online machine learning. The library lets you train machine learning models on streaming data. Introduction All the traditional machine learning algorithms whether it is as simple as linear regression or strong learner algorithms like xgboost, all the algorithms process the data in batches. This means that these algorithms look at the...
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Feb 6, 2021
Posted by Divyesh Mangroliya
“Never use print() to debug again.” In programming Journey, we have heard errors or bugs. All programming languages like C, Java, .Net etc. have their ways to handle these errors and bugs. I remember, when I was learning programming and used to write my programs in C and C++, how difficult it was to debug the errors. This happens with everyone. It sometimes takes very long time...
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Jul 26, 2020
Posted by Aishawariya Athawale
Julia combines python’s convenience with C’s performance. This means it combines the convenience of dynamic languages with the performance of statically linked languages. Introduction Humans talk to computers by giving them specific instructions that automate our world with the help of programming languages. There are many programming languages like Java, C,...
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Dec 15, 2019
Posted by Brian Njoroge
Normally, when we want to install a Microsoft software, we go to the source be the Microsoft Store or any website offering the software. We then download an installer which normally is an (.exe) file. Ones installing it generates many files and folders which are stored in the C:\Program Files. Prerequisites Little knowledge of python Python installed in your Windows OS Have you ever wondered...
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