
River For Online Machine Learning: An Example

River is the online machine learning package in Python. It can work for variety of machine learning problems whether it is regression or classification.           River consists of Creme and Scikit-Multiflow and is intended to work on the data that is continuously generated. This blog demonstrates a step by step procedure to use River on an example data set starting from its... read more

River for Online Machine Learning in Python

River is a Python library for online machine learning. The library lets you train machine learning models on streaming data.           Introduction   All the traditional machine learning algorithms whether it is as simple as linear regression or strong learner algorithms like xgboost, all the algorithms process the data in batches. This means that these algorithms look at the... read more

Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression is probably the first classification algorithm that is introduced to those who step into the world of Machine Learning.           Introduction   Logistic Regression is one of the most popular and powerful classification techniques. I personally think logistic regression can be considered as a bridge between the world of Machine Learning and Deep Learning.... read more

Conversational AI: The Technology of Today

Conversational AI is the artificial brainpower to provide capabilities to machines to understand, process and respond to human language.         What is Conversational AI?   Conversational AI is a collection of technologies that makes it possible to simulate human conversations to communicate, engage, assist and entertain human in a natural way.   Software created with... read more

Julia: A Competitor to Python?

Julia combines python’s convenience with C’s performance. This means it combines the convenience of dynamic languages with the performance of statically linked languages.           Introduction Humans talk to computers by giving them specific instructions that automate our world with the help of programming languages. There are many programming languages like Java, C,... read more

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