Information Technology: Ringing in Radical Changes in Human Resource Management
To borrow a popular quote from Benjamin Disraeli – Change is inevitable. Change is constant.
In today’s globalized era, organizations face incredible pressure owing to technology being in a continuous state of flux. If innovation is what sets apart a leader and a follower; then it is the task of the Human Resource (HR) Department to groom leaders.
Tough competition, new structures and hierarchies are leading to disturb prior equations. This has created a situation where HR heads should explore, welcome and offer remote and mobile work opportunities to satiate the ‘work from anywhere-anytime’ demand of employees.
Information Technology (IT) plays a pivotal role in improving the performance of HR by shifting its focus from general administration or personnel management to strategic HRManagement (HRM) and business execution.The HRIT (Human Resource Information Technology) is considered as an indispensable part on supporting HR function transformation. HRIT provides a unique platform and suitable opportunities for HR functions by shifting the traditional HR functions to technology-based functions.
In sync with the changing times, the HR department is graduating towards the adoption of technological advancements as mundane jobs are taking a back seat. Innovations are being welcomed to execute work in a simple, swift and efficient manner. Information Technology in HR facilitates the companies to explore new ways of handling paperwork right from sourcing to advanced level tasks of the HR Department.
Information Technology is helping HR managers to shift their focus from managing workforce to driving profits for the company. The connection of Information Technology in HR department has enabled HR heads to focus on creating conducive environs to improve the efficiency, accuracy and morale of the employees. Electronic Human Resource Management is embedding deep in HR applications across all organizations globally.
The first change that has been initiated is in the approach of employer branding which further leads to effective and efficient process of recruitment. With the advancement of technology, employer branding has become highly achievable by means of social media, blogging and online PR for community engagement as well as prospective talents. Information Technology complements various employer branding activities and helps in making the whole campaign highly productive and effective. On the other hand, recruitment with social media engagement is playing an active role in the HR functioning.
Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn help reach out to a larger audience. These days, posting a job opening online has also become virtually free and is widely available for numerous prospects to grab the opportunities at the first place. Social media also enables HR professionals to keep themselves updated with the new trends in the market and access the views posted by various employees. The job posting is not limited to only recruitment department; with the help of employer branding even employees are now authorized to recruit for talents among their own network through social media. Analytics is also playing a major role in recruitment as the recruiters are now able to analyze the potential employees based on real time information thereby facilitating the hiring process alongside improving the quality of hired staff.
IT also helps the HR department in developing human capabilities and quality on a continual basis. IT has evolved the training methodology drastically. With smart phones dominating the HR workplace and training being imparted through e-learning portals familiarity with relevant mobile apps is mandatory. Thanks to companies developing applications at the drop of a hat!
Organizations across the globe have designed a range of software – to evaluate performance using metrics to ensure that employees are meeting performance standards; to carry out the pay-roll system; and to serve various other HR functions in the organization. From the subjective perspective, IT has undoubtedly alleviated the scope of transparency, cost saving alongside improving the process performance thereby facilitating the HR Department to achieve the objectives of the organization.
The HR technology landscape is ever-evolving and is in a continual state of flux so the HR professionals need to inculcate the competencies of change management. Unlike bygone times, with the rapid change in the technology HR Managers now need to nurture new IT competencies and do their homework on the facilities and applications of IT to fulfill the organizational goals by training employees effectively.
The need of the hour as aptly quoted by Jack Welch is – Change before you have to…
Extremely relevant, apt and well written blog. Keep writing such great stuff!
Great work!
Really like the writing style and the way you have linked the HR activities with the development of IT.
The author address number of questions related to successfully implementing HRM innovations and how HRM innovation can contribute to sustainable competitive advantage.
Nice article… Good job…
Excellent article…
Excellent article…
Good job done…
Excellent article. Heartly Congratulation. Good job. God bless.
The topic very aptly explains the need to embrace Information Technology in the HR matters.
Quite an informative article especially for a layman. Kudos to the author for laying it out in such a structured manner.
Good job…
Very aptly shown d need fr the partnership betweenn the HR nd IT as in this era it seems to b d need of d hour…
My heartily congratulation to you; also I support the idea of working at anytime, anywhere that help both Employees Organisation.
Good one…great job!
Being on IT industry for past 10 years, I have seen the increasing graph of HR role in company performance. It is truely said that HR job is no more limited to admistrative and personnel. Getting the right employee, motivation for better performance and retention is ultimate goal of HR.
A satisfied employee is an asset to the company and in IT company, only asset is employee. So here comes the HR as key performer of the company.
Innovative thought provoking mix of HR and IT . The next gen will make things easy and workable solution for a happy , friendly and target oriented workplace .
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.Well done..Congratulations
A very crisp and compendious article..illuminating the crucial role of IT in enhancing the performance of HR.Very well written..!!
Awesome blog… Nice work..
Nicely written article, very informative.
Good work.
Thought provoking and well written blog. Succinctly encapsulates the need for a partnership between IT and HR to facilitate achievement of organizational goals.Great job!
Thank you so much 😊😊