How to Convert Website to an ios/android App
Having a website or a web application is cool but you want to know what is cooler? Having its mobile app. The main reason is that there is no denying that a mobile app is more portable.
This post will teach you how to (deceive your pals that you’re a mobile app developer) quickly convert your web app into a mobile app. Please note, you should have your web application on a server.
Follow the steps below to achieve this goal:
- Open your browser and navigate to GoNative – Convert your website to native Android &ios
- Provide your web app URL, for my case ( and build. Remember the note given above.
- Specify your preferences such as app name, color title and provide your email id as they will send you the download link of your android and ios application there.
- After 2-3 minutes of waiting, they will send you a link of where you can download your Android apk file or ios source code.
- You can see an illustration of the app below:
In the general styling, you can add styling like your app icon, your theme color and many more. I would advise you to explore those options for a better user experience of your app.
In conclusion, we have seen how to create an ios/android app in roughly 2 minutes, well roughly 5 minutes if we factor in the minutes used to wait for goNative to send us the app. Though its cool to deceive your friends that you can make a mobile app, don’t rush quickly applying a job in mobile development if you are not conversant with android or ios. You will be in for a long day if the job interviewer starts hitting you with hard questions on ios/android.
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